
Showing posts from May, 2021

My Weight Story continued

   I had been dying to write this piece ever since I posted My Weight Story - my story of gaining weight during the pandemic. I had already begun imagining things I would tell my readers about how I lost my weight even when I wasn’t sure of how to lose some. Exactly the way an actor might be working on his award acceptance speech even before the release of their movie. But I told myself to pen this post only when the needle of my weighing scale returned to the 50s. Well, I feel proud to say that I now weigh in the 50s, although on the higher side 😊 . Well…umm… the journey still continues of course… As I mentioned earlier, exercises didn’t work for me, and I had been looking for some easy to implement measures to lose weight. Now the obvious option to follow a diet didn’t quite interest me. No, I am not a foodie, but I can never imagine myself eating only veggies for a meal or worse skip a meal. Also, I need my regular doses of junk food to survive. I believed only walki...