The Manipur connection


During my stay in Bangalore, I got a chance to spend a couple of months with some Manipuri schoolgirls. Our hostel with its bare minimum facilities provided a roof over my head and experiences for a life time.

I drew inspiration from these little girls, who were at least ten years younger than me, to overcome my anxieties of living away from my family. Initially, they maintained safe distance from me and spoke only when asked. Gradually the seemingly shy and reticent girls started opening up and I bonded beautifully with them. They were like a family, I looked forward to meeting in the evening. From discussing academics and family, bearing the only-rice-meals provided in the hostel to preparing special meals on Sundays; from secretly watching late night movies on the school computer to gossiping about the warden and the cook, we shared our lives with each other. Though my stay there was short, I tried my best to meet them on weekends. Playing, celebrating birthdays or just lazing around on the terrace were good enough reasons for the same.

Rupali’s soulful singing, Rediya’s naughty smile, Rameswari and Deepa’s contagious smiles, Nisha and Deepika’s shyness, Baruna and Priyanka’s silent observations, Rachana and Geeta’s confident conversations, Rosy’s ambitions, Babina’s creativity, Babita Didi’s elegance, mannerism and hospitality and Vijaya’s rebellious attitude against the warden – all brought life in that otherwise dull hostel. I need to confess that Babina helped me remember some of the names as age has now started affecting my memory; though I wish it were not true!

Even today, after nearly a decade and a half, when I reminiscence my good old days in Bangalore where I learnt the meaning of independence and responsibility, these girls are always a part of my memories. I felt over cloud 9 when recently Babina pinged me and we resumed being in touch over social media.

I believe our meeting in Bangalore, away from our homes was destined but connecting again after so many years was a choice. Making this choice proves in a way that we touched each other’s life then and derive joy in being in touch now.

Girls, if you are reading this, believe me, you continue to inspire me - no matter the distance or the disconnect. You rock!


  1. Manisha, I can't write as good as you, but felt like posting a comment on this one. Thinking of Bangalore and people I met there who inspire me, I think you would be the first on that list. We had so many meals, so much fun and lots of silly laughs together, but of all, I can't forget the kind heart and the small gestures that expressed the kindness. I can't forget how you were the only one to notice and pamper the small kids working at Bhavani, how you connected me to the NGO working on education, you have been the only one who has kept contact with all our friends...and the list could go on. I miss those days and I really need an inspiration from a friend like you, we should talk :).

  2. Beautifully written Manisha! It was lovely reading your experience and it show the bond you shared with the girls...! Congratulations 👏🏻

  3. Manisha didi. It's glad that u still remember us n kept it as one of good memories. Wish to meet u again soon. Lots of love.

    1. So good to hear from you, Roopali! Hope you have not stopped singing:)

  4. Manisha didi. It's glad that u still remember us n kept it as one of good memories. Wish to meet u again soon. Lots of love.

  5. Hello manisha di, blessed to see your experience with us. I thank you for your part in my journey, Loads of Love

    Priyanka PG

    1. Hey Priyanka, I am glad you liked it. Keep smiling:)

  6. Dear Manisha, Wonderfully written , bringing out feeling into words is something really beautiful. It did remind me of the sweet Bangalore days and remember you mentioning about these sweet girls many times :) Everything in life has a reason, every experience counts
    and builds everlasting memories .Cheers , Lata

    1. You nailed it Lata! I am glad this blog made you run down the memory lane. It inspires me to write more:)

  7. How beautifully snd succinctly you write! I read your lines again and again to savour their crispness.


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