Love for reading

I am an avid reader since early childhood. I would read all school books before the school actually re-opened for the new academic year. I learned reading Gujarati by trying to read the Gujarati newspaper that was delivered at my home for my parents. I later learnt that my mother too learnt reading Gujarati after marriage in similar fashion.
While I was still in school, my mother subscribed for monthly Tinkle comics. I would also read old Reader’s Digest bought from the raddiwala or borrowed from a school friend.
My mother made me join a local library during my vacations after Class X. As per the plan, I could take 3 books at a time and keep them for a maximum of 7 days. I was so overwhelmed by the number of books available that I would read 2 and sometimes 3 books in a day and plan a daily visit to the library. I started with Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and moved on to reading a variety of books like science fictions, autobiographies, biographies, humor, history, mysteries, fantasies, magazines, astrology, numerology, etc. Nobody guided me on the type of books to be read and it was both a blessing and a curse in disguise. I got to discover the vastness of knowledge all by myself. On the other and, I missed reading some very good author’s work due to ignorance.
This phase lasted for about 3 months after which my mother de-activated my library account so that I could concentrate on academics.

After that I bought, borrowed, downloaded books at various stages of my life to satiate my thirst for reading.

Last year I joined library again after my daughter’s teacher suggested it. To my surprise, she took to books like a fish to water. I think it is in our genes. She grabs the book as soon as I bring it from the library and wants to read it immediately leaving aside her food and television. Sometimes she reads it by herself while I am away and insists that she read it once again in my presence if she did not understand some words. I am grateful to her teacher who suggested this to us otherwise I wouldn’t have thought of making her join a library so early in life. I would in turn request other parents to develop this love for books in their kids life as early as possible. It is never too late though.
Happy reading!
