
Showing posts from September, 2016

Movie Buzz

There was a phase in my life when I watched every A and B grade movie in theatre with whoever was available at that time for company. This whoever list included my dad, sister or my school friend L. Any other interested person was always welcome to join. Those were the days when BookMyShow did not exist and I looked forward to waiting in long queues to get the first day-first show ticket in advance or sometimes (in fact only once) buying tickets in Black. Once I missed the beginning of a movie as one of our friend turned up late and I spent my hard earned pocket money to watch that movie again, in theatre. This phase has now come to an end with multiplex visits reduced to once or twice in a year. These rare occasions are spent watching Salman Khan or animated movies. T is so fond of both. Once we went to watch a thriller with my 5 year old T. As soon as she realized that this movie didn't feature Salman or any animated character (that is 5 minutes precisely), she started aski...